June 2023
A grand tour through some of the most prestigious venues in Europe unites the MCO with both Andris Nelsons and Lang Lang. The program consists of some powerful cornerstones of the Beethovenian repertoire, including the well-known Fate symphony at the end. Beethoven's secretary wrote, after the composer's death, that Beethoven had described this motif and the foundational idea of the entire work as “fate knocking at the door!” This story held for so long, the opening is also called the “Fate motif”.
The concert opens with Beethoven's Coriolan Overture. It was inspired by the tragedy of Coriolanus, a Roman general who was ultimately banished from his own city. The overture's dramatic themes convey the emotional depth of the play, showcasing Beethoven's skill in evoking the mood of a story through music. The overture is followed by his third Piano Concerto, one of the crown jewels of the piano repertoire.